The Rift Valley Institute of Science and Technology-RVIST is pleased to invite you to the 11th RVIST Agribusiness Expo to be held at RVIST Grounds. This is an annual event that is organized and Hosted by RVIST in partnership with other key stakeholders enabling you to exhibit and showcase your products and services that appeal to the agricultural sector.
The RVIST Agribusiness Expo creates a platform for interaction and showcasing new technologies, innovations and agribusiness models that would help new and existing agribusinesses become more efficient, sustainable and profitable. We work together with The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries in the organization of the Expo; in tandem with the government policies and development agenda which include; Kenya Vision 2030, Food Security, Youth and Women Empowerment, Science, Technology and Innovation promotion and capacity building in the Agricultural Sector in Kenya
The Expo is organized by mobilizing livestock farmers, cereal/crop farmers and farm machinery/Implements dealers, Financial Institutions, Insurance Companies, Agro-Chemical companies, Universities and line Government Ministries among others to participate in exhibiting their latest innovations and technology of products and services at the Expo. In last year’s Expo, 21exhibitors participated with over 3,000 farmers attending. The experience has indicated that the Agribusiness sector in the region has a potential and interest for investment growth.
We hereby write to request you to partner with us by sponsoring this year’s event which is set to take place on the 5th September at our Institute grounds in Nakuru County.
The RVIST Agribusiness Expo 2018 Theme is: “Enhancing Value Addition through Technology and Innovation in Agribusiness for Food Security.” We have put in place strategies to mobilize farmers from within and the surrounding counties so that they can benefit from information that will be disseminated of the latest innovations and technology at the fair.
Kindly note that Entry is Free to the General Public.
In line with the above theme, our expectation will be as follows:
- Mobilization of Livestock Farmers, Cereal Farmers (and other Agronomists) and Farm Machinery dealers to exhibit during the fair/Expo.
- Involvement of a broad range of stakeholders as participants
- Incorporation of firms dealing with value addition for Agribusiness sector
- Mobilization of Financiers and Sponsors of Agribusiness investments
- Involvement of Risk Mitigation Agencies
- Promotion of value added products
- Creating awareness among the Youth concerning the diverse areas of Agribusiness
- Direct sale of products and services
The activities that will help us to achieve these objectives will include:
- Demonstration plots
- Livestock exhibitions
- Farm machinery and implements exhibitions
- Exhibition of Agriculture and farm machinery and innovations in the sector
- Publicity to involve the stakeholders in promotion of their products
- Networking of stakeholders in the agribusiness sector (finance and service providers, sponsors, farmers, farm machinery dealers and trainees/agribusiness technologists).
In addition to the above, as a sponsor you can also participate with the Institute during the road shows that will be organized to publicize and promote the Expo and as well get an opportunity to promote and market your products and services. The RVIST Agribusiness EXPO 2017 Sponsors were; Cooper K-Brands Ltd, AMACO, FMD East Africa, Coca Cola Nairobi Bottlers, Technology Farm & Deloraine Estates, Hygienic Butchery and RVIST