Management Rep

Rift Valley Institute of Science and Technology attained ISO 9001: 2008 Quality management Systems, certification having satisfactorily met the requirements as ascertained by the certifying body- Kenya Bureau of Standards. The certificate was awarded in February2012 and to date, the certification has been maintained. RVIST is Currently in the process of transiting from the ISO 9001:2008 TO ISO 9001:2015. The implementation of quality management system requires:

  • A clear knowledge and understanding of the institute’s Vision and Mission
  • A clear orientation towards the customer.
  • Quality as a philosophy that never ends.
  • A clear definition and fulfillment of processes.
  • Quality guarantee of the processes.
  • Objective and evidence based decision making.
  • Proactive rather than reactive system management and leadership.

The sustained success of an organization is demonstrated by its ability to satisfy needs and expectations of all its stake holders over the long term and in a balanced way.

Ruth Kosgey

Management Representative
