
Head of Department Philemon K. Terer The Examinations Department administers Internal and External Examinations that fairly and fully allow demonstration of candidates’ learning. This Department responds to many clients particularly school-leavers, continuing students, educators, education administrators, Examining Bodies and the general public. Rift Valley Institute of Science and Technology is entrusted with the authority to train professional and non-professional personnel for both public and private sectors. These personnel are subjected to examination in order to assess their capabilities.

The Department is responsible for;
The specific functions of the Examinations and Timetabling Department consist of; Moderation and Processing of the institution’s internal examinations with confidentiality examination supervisor allocation Processing and Co-ordination of External Examinations Providing the necessary examination logistics and materials Ensuring examination standards and procedures are adhered to Facilitating invitation and working of external examiners Preparation of teaching timetabling for all Courses Co-ordination and allocation of the lecture halls Maintaining lecture halls in collaboration with other relevant departments Preparation of internal examinations timetables for all Courses Providing External Examinations Timetables